Keys To A Successful Marriage – As We See It

13 Sep

It is anniversary season here at MazeChesky!

Nathan and Tara just celebrated their 1st year of marriage and 10 years together! Joe and Elise are coming up on being together for 8.5 years and 2 years of marriage!

Now we know what you’re thinking, what have you learned? Well, you are in luck because we have collaborated and come up with Keys to a Successful Marriage – As we see it. In no particular order:

Pick your battles! If he wants to buy himself a big-boy toy (aka a convertible car and can afford it) let him! Constantly telling him no is just going to lead to an unhappy man, and a mid-life crisis when he is 50. In general, is what you are fighting/arguing over really worth arguing over in the grand scheme of things? If not, then why waste your time arguing over it?

Try to find activities that you enjoy doing together. Joe and Elise play on a co-ed softball team during the spring and just started playing on a co-ed flag football team this fall. It’s a great way to spend down time together and something we both enjoy doing – “Couples that play together stay together” 🙂

Don’t say things you don’t mean! You don’t have to be married to know that saying something you don’t mean is hurtful, doesn’t resolve anything and makes you both feel awful.

Make and try new meals, you might surprise yourself. Nathan and Tara made sushi together one night and it was so fun (mostly because rolling sushi takes practice and  too much wasabi was added) but the meal was edible!  So, go ahead-break out those recipe cards and cookbooks from your bridal shower and get cookin’.

Note to viewers-this is not how our sushi turned out:)

It is very easy to put those comfy sweatpants on the minute you get home, but the men will tell you not to pack away the lingerie from your honeymoon, break it out once in a while. As the Spice Girls sing “Spice up your life”!

Let him have boy time! If he wants to go to the beach for a weekend getaway-let him. Plan a girls night to watch TV, drink wine and stay in your sweatpants 🙂

Elise and Tara while the men are away at boys weekend

It’s okay to go to sleep angry. During arguments, people advise you to walk away and cool down. Why not go to sleep to cool off? You may wake up with a different perspective.

Try to do the chores together. If he cooks, you clean up. If his laundry is in the pile, he can fold it too. Don’t forget-he survived before you and knows how to do things. Do not infantile a grown man, it’s very unappealing.

Marriage isn’t always 50/50. Sometimes you may have to pull more than what you would consider your fair share, but you have to remember that marriage isn’t always easy and takes a lot of work and compromise. There will be times when your spouse may have to pull more than their share to help you.


Make time each day to spend quality time together; whether it’s cuddling on the couch, cooking dinner, watching your favorite t.v. show, or going to the gym together. It’s easy to get caught up in the crazy of everyday life (especially during the work week) and forget how important it is to take time to stay connected.

Don’t dwell on the bad, try to focus and remind yourself of all the good. Sure sometimes you drive each other crazy with your bad habits and strange quirks, but are those things really worth being annoyed/frustrated over? After-all, you most likely knew about those bad habits and strange quirks before you said, “I Do”.

Most importantly have FUN together, LAUGH together, TALK to each other and LOVE one another! ❤

Feel free to share what your keys to a successful marriage are! How long have you been married?

Here’s to the years to come! Cheers, Elise and Tara

One Response to “Keys To A Successful Marriage – As We See It”

  1. PetiePablo September 13, 2012 at 4:43 pm #

    All of my comments are going to be “pffft”.

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